Status of the receipt verification. * VALID: The purchase was valid. * VALID_NOT_REDEEMED: The purchase was valid but seen before, and had not yet been redeemed. * INVALID_ALREADY_REDEEMED: The purchase has already been redeemed. * INVALID_VERIFICATION_FAILED: The receipt verification Service returned that the receipt data was not valid. * INVALID_ANOTHER_PLAYER: The receipt has previously been used by a different player and validated. * INVALID_CONFIGURATION: The service configuration is invalid, further information in the details section of the response. * INVALID_PRODUCT_ID_MISMATCH: The purchase configuration store product identifier does not match the one in the receipt. * CURRENCY_MAX_EXCEEDED: Could not add the rewards because one or more currencies would be taken over the specified maximum balance.
Status of the receipt verification. *
: The purchase was valid. *VALID_NOT_REDEEMED
: The purchase was valid but seen before, and had not yet been redeemed. *INVALID_ALREADY_REDEEMED
: The purchase has already been redeemed. *INVALID_VERIFICATION_FAILED
: The receipt verification Service returned that the receipt data was not valid. *INVALID_ANOTHER_PLAYER
: The receipt has previously been used by a different player and validated. *INVALID_CONFIGURATION
: The service configuration is invalid, further information in the details section of the response. *INVALID_PRODUCT_ID_MISMATCH
: The purchase configuration store product identifier does not match the one in the receipt. *CURRENCY_MAX_EXCEEDED
: Could not add the rewards because one or more currencies would be taken over the specified maximum balance.PlayerPurchaseGoogleplaystoreResponseVerification